jsEditor - Ver: 1.55
Written by: Ken Ward
116 Hinwick Road
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN29 7QU
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Release Date: 04/22/2001
Release Status: Major Update
File Size: 2434k  -  2.4MB Type: Shareware
Cost: 30
Keywords: JavaScript Editor,HTML Editor, java script editor

JavaScript Editor with dialogs, spell checking, and instant boilerplate code. jsEditor comes with extensive context sensitive help. And dialogs including an alert wizard and a new window wizard.Also it has has tools to find site rubbish, and create a TOC for the selected directory. It has utilities to convert HTML to text and convert HTML to viewable text (useful for writing tutorials).

Contact Info:
General Phone: 449133664778
General Email: general@123ward.com

Support Phone: 449133664778
Support Email: support@123ward.com

Sales Phone: 449133664778
Sales Email: sales@123ward.com

Order Online: http://www.trans4mind.com/personal_development/jsEditorTutorial/sell.htm

Download URLs:

Supported Operating Systems: Win95,Win98
System Requirements:Windows 95 or higher
Install Support: Install and Uninstall