uConfig.EXE ========= Compex has a great utility NPFIND. Forgot your router's IP ? NPFIND tells you right away. This is useful if you only forget the NetPassage router's IP address. Now Compex has an even greater utility, uConfig. In many situations, your computer has a different IP subnet address from the router. You are not able to connect with the router unless you change your computer IP address to the same IP subnet address as the router. Most vendors device, will require you manually change your computer IP address before you can make the connection with the device. Compex uConfig utility changed all this and make life easier for you. Regardless what IP your computer have, uConfig will connect your computer to the NetPassage router. Just run uConfig, it will detects the NetPassage router's device and open the web based configuration to let you configure the device right away. Isn't it a greater utility ? For more info or run the utility refer to accompanied CD.